Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hey Peggy Vincent, Thanks for writing Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Midwife. You main argument comparing hospitals with doctors and midwifes and home birth. Your main argument made me think about pregnancy and birth and what makes women chose home births instead of birth in the hospital.

Well, in the last third of the book you focused on what you have to do and what you don't do when it comes to birth, which connects to the first 2/3rds of the book. But let me be more specific. 

1. Even though you are a licensed Midwife but you are not allowed to have any say in what happens when one of your own patients go to the hospital? You have been working with the mother the entire time but you have no voice in what happens Pg. 244

2. How come insurance has a part in what happens during a birth? Does the Midwife get paid from that insurance? Pg. 233

3. I thought that the quote in Pg.248 was very interesting "There's no money in dead baby cases" they just think about the money and not even how they lost the baby Pg.248

Well, let's be clear - your text sought to provide historical about midwifery and how it has changed over time and how it has impacted birth from the perspective of a midwife who you never really made it big or the book-reading-public to better understand pregnancy & birth in our culture. Given that aim, and your book, the best advice I would give for a 2nd edition of the text would be, to put things in your book about your peers experience and how they made it to a status of midwifery similar to yours. But I don't want you to feel like I'm criticizing. I appreciate the immense amount of labor you dedicated to this important issue and particularly for making me think about birth & pregnancy. In fact, I'm likely to do more research about home birth and I also think differently as a result of your book. The author replies, "Thanks! Talking to you gives me hope about our future as a society!"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The only difference between the book and the movie is that the book shows more personal experiences with babies and there mothers, the movie only shows natural normal births. For example there is a part on pg.136 where Peggy notices that the baby isn't coming out when its suppose to come out. In the movie they show natural and fast births. The book shows the same insight where it is trying to show the reader the life of a midwife and how they deal with different situations and how they deal with them. I enjoy reading the book and hearing the stories Peggy tells us through out the book so far. It is also interesting to hear that there are some kids in my class want to do midwife work because of the movie and the book. I was really interested in Spirit Babies and how that works on Pg.126 they talk about Spirit Babies and how every single mother has a Spirit Baby that will be there baby when they get pregnant and I wonder if all midwifes talk about that to the people they take care of.

In some countries almost all births happen in hospital, whereas in other countries home birth is considered the first choice for healthy and otherwise low-risk women. The change to planned hospital birth for low-risk pregnant women in many countries during this century was not supported by good evidence. Planned hospital birth may even increase unnecessary interventions and complications without any benefit for low-risk women. The review found only one small trial, which provided no strong evidence to favour either planned hospital birth or planned home birth for low-risk pregnant women.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I am reading Baby Catcher by Peggy Vincent and it is organized into different parts and in each part there is a heading explaining something about the part that you are going to read. If I were to lay out a pregnancy book I would go through all my personal things in the beginning of the book so that as you read you get more into the baby stuff and not baby stuff then personal experiences and then baby stuff. So far in the book she is telling us her experience with birth and stories of when she was being a midwife. The essential question would be what do midwife experience during their job? or something similar. The book explains different things Peggy dealt with during her time as a midwife. There was one story that was sad to me in the beginning she goes into a house where a 13 year old gave birth and there were many other girls with different guys and I thought she would react and do something instead of letting it happen. I found it interesting that Peggy didn't see a lot of fathers at the pregnancy I'm wondering why. I also found it interesting how pregnant women really are uncontrollable at labor the first story about Zelda was crazy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hw37 Comments

Anthony said...

Rigel I also thought that the connection between the mother and child was very interesting and it really makes me think because the people I interviewed weren't really connected as much so I wonder if the people I interviewed were raised differently. Like Felipe I would like to study the connection between mother and child. I also want to ask my mom if she felt the connection your mother felt.

Anthony said...

Felipe I enjoyed reading your post because I talked to my mom about her pregnancy right now and it really compares to your mothers. Im 15 years apart from my brother so I definitely feel your sister's pain. It was good to see that you took the extra step and wanted to research and ask a different question after your interview with your mom.

Anthony said...

Kristin I thought your blog was pretty good and it was interesting that the doctor and your uncle were watching the basketball game instead of helping your aunt out with the baby. It amazes me that your aunt wanted to read books about the baby and raising the baby. Its also interesting that you say that people think they have a glow because of the baby but your aunt didn't. I don't agree with that comment either I don't understand how there is a glow to someone.