Author-Mitch Albom
Title- Tuesdays with Morrie
Publisher- Double Day
Year Published-1997
Me and Morrie are now in the 5th Tuesday and we are talking about our family and how love can connect us to each other and how Morrie feels good about life knowing that people love him and wont forget about him because of the tapes that I bring in to listen to him talk. We also talk about my brother and how I really want to see him and how everyone loved him more then they loved me. I really want to be there with him while he goes through the cancer process. Morrie told me that I will somehow find my way to him and they we will reunite.
"Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame." He shot me a look. "Not work," he added Pg.92- Morrie was telling Mitch that he should be watching over his family if he were to ever pass away and not be committed to just his job.
"The truth is, you don't get satisfaction from those things. You know what really gives you satisfaction? What? "Offering others what you have to give." Pg.126- Morrie wants Mitch to realize that you get satisfaction from offering other people things offering them what you have.
"When you learn how to die, you learn how to live." Pg.104- When you learn how to die is when you start thinking about life in a whole new way
I think that everything Morrie is saying is true but is to hard to do because not a lot of people in this world are able to see things the way that Morrie sees them and it would be really difficult to try because its something that really takes hard work to do. The thought of offering what you have to other people isnt easy either because there are a lot of people in the world who want more and more rather then give. I felt bad for Mitch not being able to be with his brother when he should be with him. I would want to be with my brother in a time like that.
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