Sunday, December 12, 2010


PAuthor-Mitch Albom
Title- Tuesdays with Morrie
Publisher- Double Day
Year Published-1997

I am writing this book to show you how a close person in my life and a loved one dealt with his life knowing that he was going to die. His way of life and who he wanted to be with and hang out with changed during his final years. I was one of the only people to actually make him happier then ever. Im glad he wanted to teach me about life and how to deal with my emotions and feelings.

  • Pg.50- "Do you think that's strange? Do you think because I am dying, I shouldn't care what happens with the world"
  • Pg.57- "Mitch, I don't allow myslef any more self-pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that's all."
  • Pg.58- "Holding him like that moved me in a way I cannot describe, except to say I felt the seeds of death inside his shrieling frame..."
I think this book is really opening my eyes on how people deal with death becuase i never thought about death the way that Morrie does and being happy about knowing im dying. I would think about death how Beth thought about death thinking about it in a positive way and never talking about the word death and or thinking about the word death. The way Morrie thinks about death was never something I thought people would think of it so now i know their must be more people who think about it the way that Morrie does.

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