Monday, May 9, 2011



In the last third of the book I explain alternatives to natural ways of dealing with the care of dead such as regular funeral homes and cemeteries. In the last third I explain Backyard Burials which is when you bury your loved ones in your backyard. I show the laws when it comes to burying your loved ones in your backyard.


  • "By placing material like rock, concrete, ships, and fabricated reef balls on our part of the seabed, we're trying to create structures that will serve as aquatic nurseries where there are none" Pg.97
  • "Caring for the remains of a loved one yourself, in your own home. That care may include bringing a body home from a hospital or nursing home, washing and dressing it, laying it out for vigil, holding a memorial service, and transporting the deceased to the cemetery or crematory." Pg.118
Home and Backyard Burials are very interesting because there are so many rules you have to follow when it comes to these burials. In California, Indiana and Washington you aren't allowed to do Backyard Burials but in Washington you are able to bury someone on an Island. You other states you have to also bury the body 14-18 ft into the ground and it cant be near any water spots or near any poles.

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